Posted in EFL

A break from Digital Technologies for Language Teaching Week 7

We are now, more or less, halfway through the first module of the MA, which is basically a week off. So, I thought I’d take the opportunity to put a post together with links to all the posts so far. This is to organise my thoughts and for anyone who wants to to dip in and out of areas that interest them.

Preparing for the course

Before we started the course I read a couple of introductory books on the subject of digital technologies in education. Here is my initial introduction on why I am writing this blog and the first book I read about the roles computers can take.

Introduction and Language, Learners and Computers by John Higgins 

The second book was about M-Learning, which led me on to the idea of increased spontaneity in class.

Going Mobile by Hockly. N, Dudeney. G,

The third book made me reflect on how and why the music industry changed due to an economy of abundance and granul

The Digital Scholar by Weller. M,

Inspired by the same book I extracted some advice and features of blogs.


The fourth book focussed on the role of computer games in language learning.

Digital Play by Mawer. K, Stanley. G,

Back to Weller again, this post reflects on the open web and privacy.


Week 1 Induction 

Then finally the course began! The first post is about my hopes and expectations.

Week 1

My first experience with SCMC.


Week 2 Let’s get started

Week 2 and my drivers for using technology.


Some thoughts on personalisation.


Defining facilitators and learner agency.


A bit more on learner agency.

Learner agency

Week 3 SLA & technology

My response to Blake’s four myths.


My first experiences with Padlet, Voice recording and Edmodo.

Trying stuff out

Week 4 The digital natives debate

Discussion on Digital natives, immigrants and wisdom.


Experimenting with Quizlet, Popplet and Wikis.

Trying more stuff out

Week 5 CALL applications

Talking about the normalisation of technology.


Thinking about how to go about action research.


Getting my head round the idea of digital technology as an environment.


Week 6 PLEs and VLEs

Criticisms of virtual learning environments. 


My first impressions of personal learning environments.


Memes, Roles in PLEs and the evolution of education.



Cross disciplinary artist/educator.

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